New Website Features
Explore the new site and you will find this blog for members to post various happenings around the club, a photo gallery, a membership directory, an events calendar plus lots of info about all the areas in the club. You can book a tennis court or paddle court plus sign up for events at the club. Have a question, contact either Stephen Kohr or Kat Andler.
Tennis Courts Are Open!
The tennis courts are open and they are in great shape. Jim Titus and his crew has worked extremely hard to make sure the screens are up, the lines are down and the perfect mix of top dressing has been applied. The courts are rolled and packed firmly for a great bounce so get out there and play some tennis.
B Team Wins!
B Team Update
The B team wrapped up their most successful season in recent memory with a dominating victory in the B North league finals. It is the first championship in the storied history of the B team. (Steve French the B team’s historian was not available at press time to confirm this). If you happen to see a ‘Duck Boat’ rolling rally going down Great Pond Avenue in the next couple of weeks you will know why.
The success was mainly due to 3 factors:
Fashion – Paul Ferullo made sure the
team was the best dressed team in the league (this included matching outfits ...